Due to unfavorable weather condition and no ice, all events for the 2015 Sandstone Ice Festival have been canceled.
Sunday, January 8 2017
Chili eaters, here’s your chance to sample some of the finest chili in the land.
Sunday, December 20th, down in Robinson Quarry -bring a spoon and a mug and you can be the judge. Better yet bring a batch of your finest chili or your favorite homebrew and see how it rates.
Chili Cook-off Rules:
-American Chili Foundation Guidelines for Chili Cook Offs-Vegetarian and non-vegetarian – all entries will be defined as either vegetarian or non-vegetarian.
Full discloser of ingredients – no surprise mystery ingredients,no “misrepresenting” of ingredients.
Two gallon minimum – contestants are asked to supply enough chili for the judging panel.
When – Chili contest starts around noon and goes until the last bean is eaten.
Where – Robinson Park, next to the information tent.
Who – anyone and everyone