Please show your support of the Sandstone Ice Festival by supporting the local businesses in Sandstone MN.
Looking for an adult beverage in Sandstone?
421 Commercial Ave. N.
Sandstone, MN, MN 55072
Rich’s Bar
1038 MN-23,
Sandstone, MN 55072
Looking something to eat ??
Amy’s Restaurant
420 Main St, Sandstone, MN 55072
Quarry Pizza
410 Main St, Sandstone, MN 55072
421 Commercial Ave. N.
Chris’ Food Center
Brown’s Beans and Greens
701 MN-23 N, Sandstone, MN 55072
Looking to rent ice climbing equipment locally??
Hard Water Sports
511 Main Street, Sandstone MN
By choosing to support the local Sandstone businesses you are helping to insure the future of ice climbing in Robinson Park.
By supporting the above listed businesses they in return support all the other businesses. When you spend money in Sandstone the money stays in Sandstone.